Category Archives: Holidays | Eileen Coen, JD Family and Divorce Mediation

New Year’s Resolutions for a Good Divorce and a Good Life
If you’re going through a divorce, the holiday season can be dreadful. It’s hard to celebrate when it feels like the world you once knew has tilted or spun out of control. There’s no question that your life is about to change in a big way. But there is a new year on the… Read More »

Why Thanksgiving Matters (and It’s Not About the Turkey)
Today I want to share a special gift because Thanksgiving matters. Actually, some might call it “re-gifting” but I call it “paying it forward.” Here is The Thanksgiving Reader, written by Seth Godin and freely distributed to thousands, maybe millions of people. Seth is one of my favorite bloggers, a best-selling author, and a… Read More »