Category Archives: Marital Mediation | Eileen Coen, JD Mediation

Is Divorce Stress Making You Sick?
Is divorce stress making you sick? If you’re in the midst of a separation or divorce, you’re probably no stranger to stress — but did you know that the higher conflict your divorce is, the more it puts your health at risk? This Psychology Today article is not new — but it offers a… Read More »

Is Mediation Appropriate for Couples Who Want to Reconcile?
One of the first questions I ask my clients is “Has there been a decision to divorce?” I ask because couples seek help at various stages of their marriage crisis. Sometimes both people are quite sure they’re ready for divorce. Often, only one person is. And sometimes, neither party is sure they want a divorce, but… Read More »

The Role of Conflict Coaching in Divorce Mediation
What do conflict coaching and mediation have in common? Like mediation, the conflict coaching process is voluntary, confidential, and involves a neutral facilitator to address ways to resolve conflict; divorce mediation helps two or more people arrive at mutual agreements whereas conflict coaching helps one party understand and manage conflict.

Your Essential Guide to the Divorce Mediation Process
As a divorce mediator serving families in Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia, I frequently receive inquiries about divorce mediation, like this one: Dear Eileen, My spouse and I want a non-adversarial divorce and we are looking for an experienced Maryland divorce mediator to help us. Can you tell me how the process works, how… Read More »

Who Is Making the Decisions in Your Divorce?
When you’re going through a divorce, it’s understandable to be concerned, even afraid, about the many unknowns on the road ahead . . . But should you rely on a lawyer, judge, or other “expert” to make decisions about your divorce? What does the law say about divorce? – Well, that depends on the… Read More »