Eileen Coen Mediation
The road you take makes all the difference.

Tag Archives: mediation

four strategies for mediating a high conflict divorce

Four Strategies for Mediating a High Conflict Divorce

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Mediating a high-conflict divorce. Sometimes people assume that the only way to handle their divorce with a high-conflict partner is to “lawyer up” and “buckle down” for the roller coaster ride. Statistically, this approach leads to increased conflict and less satisfaction with the results. There are also enormous financial and emotional costs, which can… Read More »

the quick and dirty on dating while separated

The “Quick & Dirty” on Dating While Separated

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

If you and your spouse are separated and you’re feeling anxious to meet someone new… this Valentine’s Day might have you wondering whether, and when, it’s okay to date. Having a conversation about dating is difficult but important to do before either spouse ventures out on dates. Back by popular demand, I’m re-posting a… Read More »

Divorce mediator in Maryland & DC

Do Misrepresentations in Divorce Corp Undermine Needed Change?

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Divorce Corp: Proceed with Caution After viewing the Divorce Corp trailers, I wrote in my last article that I hoped the documentary would generate a national dialog about how our family law system could better serve families in transition – and, in particular, encourage alternatives to courtroom battle as the norm. Since then, I’ve… Read More »

The documentary Movie, Divorce Corp Debuts

Coming Soon: Divorce Corp the Movie in 2014

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Family Law Professionals Beware:  A new documentary set to debut on January 10, 2014, purports to expose appalling excesses and injustices rampant in the U.S. family law system. The documentary, Divorce Corp, portrays the American divorce litigation system as a multi-billion dollar industry that takes advantage of vulnerable people and leaves a world of… Read More »

3 tips for an amicable divorce

3 Tips for an Amicable Divorce

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Tips for an amicable divorce. It’s no surprise that every January I hear from people who have resolved to bring a peaceful end to their marriages. By the time someone contacts my family and divorce mediation practice, they’ve been contemplating divorce for a long time and have concerns about the impact of divorce on… Read More »

sites that encourage heroic co-parenting after divorce

Sites That Encourage Heroic Co-Parenting After Divorce

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

My last post addressed the importance of children having access to both parents who are separated or divorced. But here’s the rub… Co-parenting with your “Ex” can be especially challenging as you navigate the new, prickly terrain of separation and divorce. Often it takes a heroic act to put conflict aside and put children’s… Read More »

family mediation Maryland & Washington DC

The Best Gift for Kids in Divorce: Access to Both Parents

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Kids need access to both parents. Several studies have shown that children point to the “loss of a parent” as the most harmful consequence of their mother and father divorcing. Most often the “lost parent” is Dad. Traditionally, mothers have tended to be gatekeepers, and when trust in a marriage is lost, fathers often… Read More »

An Expert’s Advice on Insuring Child Support and Alimony

An Expert’s Advice on Insuring Child Support & Alimony

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

People typically know that the cash value of a Whole Life insurance policy can be a marital asset and subject to division on divorce. But term life insurance and disability insurance are often overlooked in divorce negotiations since they accrue no cash value.  That’s a big mistake, especially when there is child support or… Read More »

Does “Mediator Certification” Matter?

Does “Mediator Certification” Matter?

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

  Yes and No. In the mediation world, practitioners debate whether mediators ought to be certified and, if so, how to do it. Some courts allow only “certified mediators” to be placed on court rosters, but most simply require that mediators have completed a 40-hour training class. And in the private sector, there are no… Read More »

divorce mediation Washington DC

Getting Out of the Emotional Rut: Finding the Road to Peace

By Eileen Coen, J.D.

Divorce is one of life’s major traumas.  On the famous Holmes and Rahe stress scale, divorce is the second biggest stressor after the death of a spouse.  At the same time, the trauma of divorce usually goes hand-in-hand with other stressors on the scale, ranging from moving out of the family home to facing… Read More »


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