Do Misrepresentations in Divorce Corp Undermine Needed Change?

Divorce Corp: Proceed with Caution
After viewing the Divorce Corp trailers, I wrote in my last article that I hoped the documentary would generate a national dialog about how our family law system could better serve families in transition – and, in particular, encourage alternatives to courtroom battle as the norm. Since then, I’ve also read some well-deserved criticisms of Divorce Corp and I wonder whether the film may actually undermine the real debate needed on this topic.
Here are two of the best critical responses I have come across. One is written by David Hoffman, a legal expert who was featured in the documentary; The other was written by Mark Baer, a legal expert who declined to participate in the film.
Here is David Hoffman’s article that appeared in the January 13, 2014 issue of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly: “Divorce Corp” Documentary Takes Unfair Aim at Family Court Judges and Lawyers.
Here is a link to Mark Baer’s 11-part series of articles, A Conversation between Joe Sorge (Executive Producer) and Mark Baer Regarding “Divorce Corp”.
I still look forward to viewing the movie when it arrives in the Washington, DC area. While it appears that it would be easy to poke holes, I will be looking for openings for meaningful discussion and genuine problem-solving. I hope this film will not come to represent a big part of the problem, but rather, a small part of the solution.